Monthly Archives: November 2008

Last Evening of the Liturgical Year

We only have a few bare moments left of this liturgical year! Currently, I am in a prayerful mood, and am especially thankful for my priests.

From the book, “The Rise of Pope Benedict,” by John Allen, Jr., “…the only genuine basis for human rights, which is the belief that every human being has transcendent value because he or she is a child of God,” (178).

From the Magnificat, “Be vigilant that you may have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent,” (398).
“Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace,” (28).
“O God, protect our homes and neighborhoods, our loved ones and ourselves this night. Shelter in your love all who fear the terror of the night or the unseen danger that roams in the darkness. Bring us all in safety to the light of a new day in which to sing your praises, through Christ our Lord. Amen,” (28).

May this coming new year in the church be one filled with grace for you and lead you on the journey closer to Him who is the love which we are all seeking.

God bless! 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have so very much to be thankful for; I will start with the day’s intercessions from the Magnificat, then add my lengthy but not exhaustive list:

“Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For the beauty and fruitfulness of the earth, and the mystery and wonder of all creation;
For the love of family and friends, and the blessings of a community of faith and worship;
For health and strength, and the courage to bear ill health and weakness;
For the gift of work, and for the opportunities of creative leisure.”

In particular, there are a few things and many people which and whom are on my heart today.
The Holy Trinity – without whom I would not exist; Praise God for your endless kindness, mercy and love.
Lynn – for your friendship, particularly in sharing this day with me; Thank you so much!
Jo – I just met you, but I love you. You are amazing; very friendly, very open, with a great personality and truly a loving, interesting person. I am so glad to have met you today.
Terry – for your love and friendship.
Fr. John – for you; for everything; God put you in your own category for me, and I can never thank Him enough.
Mr. and Mrs. Riccardo – for your amazing family, for yourselves as you are both so kind and loving, and for the incredible gift you have given the world in all of your children.
My family – for your love.
My friends – for your love, support and sharing of your lives.
My job – not only does it provide for my needs and give me the luxury of being able to buy things and do things for others, but it has also fostered many relationships which I truly cherish.
Pat – for your friendship, support and love. You are wonderful; I love you!

This is only the very faintest tip of the iceberg. I am a very blessed person indeed! If I didn’t name you specifically here, it does not imply any less appreciation or less love on my behalf. I am so very grateful for you all.

Happy Thanksgiving! May God bless you all! Love you!

Antiphon (?) of the Day

I think we used different readings than the ones in the Magnificat this morning for Mass, but I really thought it was appropriate this one — I think it’s called an antiphon — that you say between the Alleluias before the proclamation of the Gospel. (Not that we said the Alleluia today.)

My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord;
I know them, and they follow me.

Very appropriate, since Fr. John was back at Mass this morning after being sick. He is still sick, getting better, but please continue to pray for him, especially in this cold weather.

First Chronicles — He did *what*?

Okay, specifically, I’m asking about 1 Chron 11:17-19

David expressed a desire: “Oh, that someone would give me a drink from the cistern by the gate at Bethlehem!” Thereupon the Three broke through the encampment of the Philistines, drew water from the cistern by the gate at Bethlehem, and carried it back to David. But David refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as a libation to the Lord, saying, “God forbid that I should do such a thing! Could I drink the blood of these men who risked their lives?” For at the risk of their lives they brought it; and so he refused to drink it. Such deeds as these the Three warriors performed.

Now, I know that David is supposed to be a man after God’s own heart. I also know that David blows it rather badly with Bathsheba. This, to me, seems to be more of a Bathsheba moment. I mean, it is good and all that he realizes at some point the selfishness of his request — a drink of water versus the lives of three of his most loyal men — but, really, isn’t that a little late? Why would you even voice a request like that, knowing that you have 3 people around you who are more than willing to risk themselves for your every whim? And once you have the water, isn’t it kind of a smack in the face to the people who risked their lives to get you the drink, to not drink it?

He *does* offer it to the Lord, but would this have been an offering which God would have wanted?

Any comments would be appreciated. 🙂

My Priests Need Prayer!!! :(

Not that I don’t pray for them normally. If you would please, remember these two in your prayers today:

1. Fr. Mark: his father is undergoing quadruple bypass today. Please pray for the successful outcome of that surgery, and his dad’s rapid recovery and return to health. Please also pray for Fr. Mark himself, who is concerned, and for his entire family as they worry through the long hours of waiting.

2. Fr. John: he is sick. Some say a nasty flu that he got down in Mexico. Whatever the cause (maybe it’s returning to this cold, ikky weather — that could make you sick just looking at it!), please with all sincerety, please, pray for his speedy and full recovery as well.

Hugs for you both. God Bless you!

For Sarah…

From an e-mail forward, so not my own work….  🙂  Obviously, way too cute to keep to myself!  Enjoy!

Dachshund & Pink the Pig

This Dachshund is fostering this little guy for another mom who couldn’t take care of him.
He had his eyes closed, but now they are open. He is just a little bigger than her other pups.

She loves this little guy as much as the other puppies and she is nursing him back to health.

He is the cleanest pig-uppy ever because she licks him all the time.

Pig 1
Pig 2
Pig 3
Pig 4
Pig 5
Pig 6
Pig 7
Pig 8

Prayer of the Day (Evening)

Thank you to the parish bulletin from Our Lady of Good Counsel for this one!!

A Prayer
For those who live alone

I live alone, dear Lord, stay by my side.
In all my daily needs, be Thou my guide.
Grant me good health, for that indeed I pray,
to carry on my work from day to day.

Keep pure my mind, thoughts, every deed,
and let me be kind and unselfish in my neighbor’s need.
Spare me from fire and flood, malicious tongues,
from thieves, fear and evil ones.

If sickness or an accident befall,
then humbly, Lord, I pray. Please hear my call
and when I’m feeling low or in despair,
lift up my heart and help me in my prayer.

I live alone, dear Lord, yet have no fear
because I feel Your Presence ever near.


Catholicentric — definition per Urban Dictionary (at the site of the same name plus the dot com, I won’t actually link it because most of the contents are morally filthy and I wouldn’t want to go shopping for my millstone, thanks)

1.  Relating to, measured from, or with respect to the Catholic Church and it’s teachings.
2.  Having the Catholic faith as a center.

(n.) One who bases his or her political ideals on the prospects of the Catholic Church (i.e. Super-conservative no-church-and-state homophobes); One who believes Catholicism to be the center of their universe.

Hmm….  Do I fit the definition today?  On one hand, I didn’t go to Mass today.  On the other hand, I did make sure that I got to Bible study with Fr. JJ.  I also purchased at the local Catholic bookstore, Faith@Work, Beginning Apologetics Course #8 on the End Times (so that I can refute the Rapture for Sandra), Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen, and 2 copies of The Magnificat Advent Companion (Lindsay, one’s for you!!).  Then, I went to the Troy Public Library, to which I have not been in over 2 years and still owed them $3.75 from my overdue fines from when I checked out Harry Potter #6 and failed to return it in a timely manner.  I never remember to return my library books on time.  I am the library book fine queen.  In fact, I think I still have a library book that was checked out from the parish library 6 months ago….  And it was due 3 weeks after I took it….  Maybe I should bring that up in confession….  I’m still only 1/4 way through that book — it’s very heavily philosophical.  I read about 10 different books at once.  Anyway, I digress.  At the library, I borrowed 2 books-on-CD:  John Paul the Great by Peggy Noonan, and The Pontiff in Winter by John Cornwell.  I also borrowed the following books:  Let God’s Light Shine Forth (The Spiritual Vision of Pope Benedict XVI) by Robert Moynihan, Gift and Mystery by Pope John Paul II, Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis, The Rise of Benedict XVI by John Allen Jr., and Our Fathers by David France.

This last one sounds like it will be complete trash-talking about the Catholic Church and our priests.  I’m sure that book will lead me to no end of irritation, but that can be a good thing.

They are all due in 3 weeks on December 9.  Please remind me to bring them in!  🙂

Later tonight, I will be going to RCIA.  Tomorrow is a Gospel of Life talk with Pat McDonald — which everyone should attend, even if you have to fly in to hear it.  Thursday is Theology on Tap with Fr. Ken Kaucheck.  Friday, our Adventures in Matthew Bible study group will go to a local Synagogue to learn more about the Jewish faith.

Catholicentric?  Nah.  I think I’m normal.  🙂

Prayer of the Day

James 5:16

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.

Dear Lord,
Please increase my faith and give me the grace and strength that I need, so that — along with You working in me and conforming my heart to Yours — I may be a more righteous person. Not for my own sake, but so that my prayers on behalf of those I care about may be more beneficial to them.

Vote for Thomas Peters!!!

This man is one of my favorite bloggers, ever!  If you haven’t read his blog, American Papist, it is well worth your time.

He is amazingly insightful, extremely prolific and always relevant.  He makes me want to get my own Masters in Theology.

He is currently in the running for a $10,000 scholarship, so please take a moment and vote for him!!!!

2008 Blogging Scholarship Award — Vote Thomas Peters!