Daily Archives: November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have so very much to be thankful for; I will start with the day’s intercessions from the Magnificat, then add my lengthy but not exhaustive list:

“Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For the beauty and fruitfulness of the earth, and the mystery and wonder of all creation;
For the love of family and friends, and the blessings of a community of faith and worship;
For health and strength, and the courage to bear ill health and weakness;
For the gift of work, and for the opportunities of creative leisure.”

In particular, there are a few things and many people which and whom are on my heart today.
The Holy Trinity – without whom I would not exist; Praise God for your endless kindness, mercy and love.
Lynn – for your friendship, particularly in sharing this day with me; Thank you so much!
Jo – I just met you, but I love you. You are amazing; very friendly, very open, with a great personality and truly a loving, interesting person. I am so glad to have met you today.
Terry – for your love and friendship.
Fr. John – for you; for everything; God put you in your own category for me, and I can never thank Him enough.
Mr. and Mrs. Riccardo – for your amazing family, for yourselves as you are both so kind and loving, and for the incredible gift you have given the world in all of your children.
My family – for your love.
My friends – for your love, support and sharing of your lives.
My job – not only does it provide for my needs and give me the luxury of being able to buy things and do things for others, but it has also fostered many relationships which I truly cherish.
Pat – for your friendship, support and love. You are wonderful; I love you!

This is only the very faintest tip of the iceberg. I am a very blessed person indeed! If I didn’t name you specifically here, it does not imply any less appreciation or less love on my behalf. I am so very grateful for you all.

Happy Thanksgiving! May God bless you all! Love you!