The Fifth Day of Christmas

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree!

These are said to represent the first five books of the Old Testament, often referred to as the Pentateuch.

Today’s suggested activity is for your family to sit down and write the following on decorative strips of paper:

  1. Their favorite thing that happened this Christmas season.
  2. Their favorite memory of last Christmas.
  3. Their favorite Christmas ever.
  4. Their funniest Christmas memory.
  5. One thing they hope to accomplish before next Christmas.

Then, staple the paper strips into a chain and use it as decoration in your home.

For me, as I do not live with anyone why don’t we play this online? Respond to one or more of the above either in comments, or on my G+ or FB accounts.

1. I loved going to Mass with my brother, goddaughter, and friends.
2. It was cute watching the kids from OLGC performing a Christmas play. There was a real baby playing the baby Jesus and the kids playing Joseph and Mary were so cute and loving.
3. I don’t remember which Christmas it was, but some of my favorites were when I was a kid and my cousin, Anna, and I got to pass out the presents to everyone and afterward everyone would have a big “snowball fight” using gift wrap.
4. I liked watching my cousins’ kids, Petros and Kenzie, attacking everyone in the living room with a Stomp Rocket.
5. I would like to come up with a good plan for next Advent.

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