Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Prodigal Son

I was reading a children’s book on the Prodigal Son and one sentence stopped me in my tracks. “So the man divided all he had between his sons.”

Wait. What?

I had always thought that when the Prodigal asked for his portion, the father just gave his portion to the younger son. And the older son didn’t get anything at that time (the father retained the rest of his wealth). So, I could kind of see why the older brother got upset when the father threw a party for the return of the younger brother. Not only did he get his inheritance before he should have, but he got a party, too.

But if they both got their inheritance before they should have… This could change things.

So, I looked up Luke 15:11+ in various version of the Bible. Sure enough, *both* brothers got their inheritance.

Now, I don’t really get why the older brother is so upset. The father’s just not commenting on what each son did with his inheritance. He’s only celebrating because the younger son is back. All this time, the older brother *had* his inheritance and could have thrown parties left and right if he wanted to.

Thanks be to God for children’s books. They teach me stuff. 🙂

OLGC Science Fair

My Name Tag for Today's Science Fair

Today, I got to judge the 7th and 8th grade projects for the Science Fair at Our Lady of Good Counsel School. They were so cute! Sometimes, the kids added some commentary, in addition to the presentation of their experiment. This was probably my favorite:

This project was both interesting and boring.

Some of them really surprised me with how advanced they were in their projects: both with the creativity of their hypothesis and the technical sophistication of the experiment. Others were more basic, or didn’t think of all the variables that an adult would think of. But overall, it was a great effort by all of the students.

Some of them may be picked to display their experiments in Detroit in a regional competition.

Good luck and God Bless!


It’s wintertime, with lots of people getting sick. Which makes me wonder…

Do you think Jesus and/or Mary ever got sick with the flu or the common cold?

I’m thinking: Jesus yes, Mary no.

Here’s my reasoning: Jesus became flesh for us; He was circumcised, writing the covenant into His flesh for us; was baptized by John for us. Although He didn’t have to, He experienced a thoroughly human experience for us. Why wouldn’t this include experience of common human illnesses?

As for Mary, if God applied Jesus’s work on the cross preemptively to Mary at the time of her conception so that she would be born without original sin and be filled with grace such that she never sinned in her lifetime, why wouldn’t He also protect her from illness? Plus, what son, if it were in his power, wouldn’t keep his mother healthy? And Jesus not only was the perfect son, but He also had the power to do so.

What are your thoughts?

The Twelfth Day of Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords-a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree!

Drummers establish the rhythm for marching. They symbolize the 12 doctrines listed in the Apostles’ Creed, an ancient summary of Christian beliefs.

Suggested activity is to make noise/music using common kitchen items, E.g. boxes, pans, glasses, etc.

Apostles' Creed

12 Days of Christmas for My Priest: Day 12

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my friend Jenn gave to me: twelve stations of the cross (and maybe the last couple for completeness), eleven saints praying on my behalf, ten minutes of spiritual reading, nine chapters read of the Gospels, eight chapters read of the NT, seven prayers throughout the day, six chapters read of the OT, FIVE MINUTES OF SILENCE!  (Shhh…), all four rosaries, three acts of penance, two photographs, and one hour of Adoration!